What’s your Finalist Future?
Finalist Futures is the University’s new careers programme designed specifically for final year students. With a range of activities on offer, option of taking part online or in person, and a welcoming and informal approach to career learning, there is something for everyone.
Throughout your final year you have access to Finalist Futures careers workshops, our brand new Careers Club and Careers Pop-ups and a new online course.
Careers Club and Careers Pop-ups are informal sessions where you can just drop by without booking on MyJobsOnline.
- Careers Pop-ups have a pre-determined topic for each of the sessions however the difference to a standard Careers workshop is that it’s much more discussion based and provides a more relaxed environment to learn about essential careers topics.
- The Career Club sessions do not have a set agenda, instead you a bring the topics to the table and then we explore and learn together.
The new provides both general careers information and a suite of “pathways” which allows you to explore a range of options for life after university. For each of the pathways you will work your way through a set of levels and exercises: and you can also engage with fellow students through the discussion groups and boards.
Follow on Instagram and join our online community – an easy way to get key careers information!
Be part of the Finalist Futures community: it’s your time to explore, plan and get ready for life after the 伊人直播app.
Getting started?
What are my options?
I need help with my application
Responding to offers
Graduation and beyond