This is a two page CV for a final year Law student.
They’ve opted for a very simple format with a standard font to appeal to the law firms that they will be applying to, and ensure that the reader isn’t distracted from the content. In terms of balance, you’ll see that there is more space taken up by the extra-curricular activities than by Legal or Other Experience. That’s very sensible for this student – they’ve done and achieved a lot in those areas, and they are going to be applying for Solicitor Training Contracts, so they’ll be talking about these experiences a lot in interviews.
You can also view Prudence's CV as a Word document.
Prudence Juris
123 伊人直播app Road, 伊人直播app, RG1 AAA • 07123 456789
9/2021 – Present LLB Law, 伊人直播app, expected Grade: 2:1
- Modules include: Criminal Law, Legal Skills, Tort, Contract, Public Law, Law & Society
- Delivered effective assessed presentations as part of a group for assignments in Legal Skills and Tort modules
- Extensively used LexisNexis and Westlaw to complete assignments
9/2019 – 6/2021 New Town College, Swindon
- A-Levels: History (A), English Literature (A), French (C)
- AS Level: Spanish (B)
Legal Experience
7/ 2020 Lennon & Starr LLP, Personal Injury team, 2-week internship
- Conducted legal research and prepared bundles for court, supervised by colleagues
- Observed the use of the case management database system, understanding how it fits with the organisation’s operations
- Accurately recorded case details within the case management database system
- Proactively offered, and carried out, administrative assistance, such as filing, photocopying and minute taking
4/2020 McCartney & Harrison LLP, Open Day
- Learnt about their Family and Commercial law practice areas through the shadowing of team members
- Completed a negotiation skills workshop led by litigation team, learning how important it is to have a clear bottom line at the outset
- Won a commercial exercise as part of a team of students. Developed rapport quickly with fellow team mates to ensure that we co-operated cohesively
Additional Experience
10/2021 - present Morrisons Supermarket, Team Member
- Manage my time to work 15 hours a week in term time and full time in holidays
- Develop good relationships with an ever changing group of colleagues to ensure that we work together smoothly
- Provide professional, friendly service on shop floor to maximise customer satisfaction
- Cross-skilled to support stock and cashier operations as needed, adapting flexibly
- Receive praise regularly from supervisor for my positive attitude and willingness to help
12/2020 – 3/2021 Wiltshire Newsagents, Weekend assistant, (20 hrs per week)
- Served on the tills, stocked shelves and cashed up and totalled takings at the end of the day, always prioritising good customer service
Extra-curricular Activities
4/2018 – Present Judo
- Amateur Judo competitor, competing at all levels up to and including county level
- Represented UoR Judo 1st team throughout university
9/2022 – 7/2023 伊人直播app Judo Society, Treasurer
- Improved use of the online system, decreased time to manage finances by 50% and prevent 100% of error
- Identified a potential financial short fall, and worked with the committee to develop suggestions for how to raise funds
- Set up and pitched for sponsorship in meetings with 10 local organisations, which raised over 150% of the target funds, and closed the financial shortfall
6/2022 – 9/2022 伊人直播app, Open Day Ambassador
- Provided friendly and informative help to prospective students at 5 open days dotted across the summer
- Employed cultural awareness to support visitors from a wide variety of backgrounds and countries, changing both my delivery and the topics discussed
10/2019 – 6/2021 New Town College, Student Representative
- Represented college students in termly meetings as a college community committee member
- Negotiated a common room refurbishment, after the request had been declined the previous 4 years
IT Skills:
- Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
- Case Management databases
- Xero financial management software
Available on request