Donate by phone
If you'd like to make your gift over the phone, then please call: +44 (0) 118 378 8006
Donate by post
If you would like to make your gift by post, please complete a donation form and send it, together with your cheque payment to:
Alumni & Supporter Engagement Office
Whiteknights House
Please make cheques payable to '伊人直播app'
Donate by bank transfer
Should you wish to make a bank transfer to the 伊人直播app please email and we would be happy to provide you with bank details.
Donation from US
As a US citizen, you can make a tax-effective gift to us by making your gift through the British Schools and Universities Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exemptfoundation. Simply quote 伊人直播app when making your gift.