Professor Kelvin Balcombe

+44 (0) 118 378 8298
- Programme Director for the MSc Agricultural Economics Programme
Areas of interest
My work has often focused on the econometrics of food demand, and the estimation of models involving productivity and production, but I have maintained interests in many areas within micro and macroeconomics, both within the agricultural sector and outside it.
Topics I have worked on include, Cointegration, Bootstrapping in Time Series Analysis, (Bayesian) Stochastic Frontiers, Random Parameter Models, Monte Carlo methods in Project Planning, Bootstrapping DEA, Choice Modelling, Genetic Algorithms and (Min)Maximum Entropy. Over the past couple of years I have become more interested and occupied with Bayesian approaches and the treatment of misreporting in choice experiments.
- Module convenor for Quantitative Methods 1, Quantitative Methods 2, Consumer Research Methods, Research Methods and Data Analysis